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Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV. So I'm out here in the desert today, working on some reviews for you guys, and I thought I would touch on this whole New Mexico thing because there's some things that I don't think people are talking about too much that need to be talked about.
As I'm sure everybody out there knows, the governor of New Mexico just single-handedly decided that she's going to suspend the Second Amendment while you're out in public in Albuquerque and surrounding counties. So for the next 30 days, forget about it, the Second Amendment just simply doesn't exist now – open carry, no concealed carry, even though the Supreme Court said in Brewington that we have a constitutional right to carry outside of the home for our own personal defense.
If you didn't really care about that, she decided to use Public Health, which is what a lot of these Governors decide to do when they want to make rules that violate our constitutional rights. You know, somehow public health is what we're going to use to do that. So that's what she did.
Now, there's a lot happening in New Mexico right now, and one of the greatest things that I have seen recently is the public come back and say we don't care, we don't care what law you're making, we're going to go ahead and we're going to do it anyway. So I am seeing massive acts of Civil Disobedience just like this one.
Fellow Second Amendment advocates out here have the courage to come out while open carrying, protesting against our tyrannical governor's order trying to ban concealed carry and open carry.
This video is proud to be sponsored by infinite defense and the Gen 2 Infinity Target. The infinity Target is a self-healing target that still allows you to identify your shots. Instead of walking up here and covering up 40 holes with pieces of tape or stapling up a new target, all you have to do is hit it with a can of spray paint, and you're good to go all over again. The infinity Target will take up to 110 rounds per square inch, so this thing is going to last you a long time and is much safer than steel up close. Alright, so you can see here you can still identify your shots. I peppered all over with the nine millimeter and then got tighter groups with my two two three. Only thing I need to do now is simply cover it up. Now I don't suggest you use red like I did, I suggest you use white. But if you want a tip for having some fun at night, all you have to do is hit this thing with some glow-in-the-dark spray paint, a little bit of light, and you'll be able to see it at nighttime from a distance. So if you guys are interested, I will put a link down to these Infinity targets down below, check it out, these are the last targets you guys will need.
So with that being said, let's get to the video. Things like that are exactly what you want to see in times where somebody oversteps their boundaries. Sometimes civil disobedience is exactly what needs to happen, and that is what's happening in New Mexico right now, which is fantastic.
Because you have to remember that there's a couple of things that people are kind of missing here because everybody's mad at the governor, and rightly so. She's trying to impede and infringe on people's Second Amendment rights, and so a lot of people are upset with that. But you have to remember that whatever document she signs, whatever word she speaks, carry absolutely no weight if there's not anybody there to enforce it, right?
So if you have these sheriffs and these deputies and these police officers that are out there, if they decide to enforce something that's completely unconstitutional, then it's as much on them as it is the governor. So with that being said, there needs to be an end to this whole "I'm just following orders" thing. You have a duty and an obligation to not follow orders that infringe on people's civil liberties and civil rights, and that's exactly what we have with the Second Amendment.
If that governor was to say, you know what, I'm going to go ahead, I'm going to suspend the first, I'm going to suspend the second, I'm going to suspend the fifth, and goes down a list and creates an entire document of things that are going to be suspended for a 30-day period, again, it wouldn't mean anything if there was nobody there to enforce it; it would just be a piece of paper.
I've heard some other good things that are coming out of this. We have multiple lawsuits, lawsuits from people within the Republican party in New Mexico, lawsuits coming from the NAGR. There are also lawsuits and I think there's even people from within her own party that are kind of joining onto this, and there is also a push for an impeachment as well. So this is basically what she did by doing this is she exposed everything that the anti-gun left is about, right? And so even they're kind of freaking out a little bit. You know, they're not liking the fact that she's showing all of their cards right away by suspending the Second Amendment for 30 days and by telling people that you're not allowed to do something that is a constitutional right.
She's showing what they're willing to do and how far they're willing to go, and they don't like that at all. So again, there's impeachment, there's lawsuits, there's civil disobedience. You know what I want to see next is I want to see all of the law enforcement get together, all of the sheriffs of these different counties get together and say, "These don't hold any weight with us. Anytime you infringe on somebody's civil liberties, we're not going to enforce it," and that would basically be the end of it. That would be the end of that. If it's not going to be enforced, then it carries absolutely no weight.
But again, it's this show of disobedience that I like the most. I mean, I would hope that that would happen in more places. I've seen, you know, I posted some stuff on Instagram and I got a lot of comments from people saying that New Mexico is going to be the next California. Well, it's only going to be the next California if people in New Mexico allow it to be the next California. That's the big problem in California. You have these cities and these major cities that are so densely populated that they control the votes, right? And so everybody that's outside of these cities really doesn't have much of a say. They're such a small portion of the overall number of the voting public that they basically get voted out. So the people in the cities in California are really the ones that are making all these policy decisions.
In New Mexico, being that it's obviously set up a bit different than California, I think there's a better chance of people using their voice and using their vote in order to make the proper change so that it doesn't end up being California. But I got a lot of comments like that saying that they are going to be the next California. And again, I just wanted to say if you live in New Mexico and you're watching this, that's up to you. That's up to you what happens from here on out because now you have the ball in your court. They've shown their hand; they've taken their shot, and now it's up to you to make things different.
So again, what we need is more of what we're seeing right now: Civil Disobedience, and we need to see people who are actually making a change, and we need to see law enforcement get together and say we're not going to do this. So again, I think that what's happening in New Mexico as far as people's response to what she did is fantastic, and we need more people to do that and show her that, "Hey, you know, regardless of what paper you sign or what reason you have, you don't have the right to suspend people's civil liberties," and that's pretty much the end of that story right there. It doesn't matter what you do; it doesn't matter what you say. Rights are eternal; they're inalienable. It means that even if the Constitution doesn't exist, we would still have those rights.
So I just wanted to touch on that real quick and show you
guys that little clip right there, and, you know, Bravo to those people that
are standing up in New Mexico. I want to thank you all very much for watching;
I really do appreciate it. Please like, subscribe; you guys have a great day.
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DO NOT try anything you see in this video at home. All work should be performed by a trained professional. Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK.. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately.
Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV. So yesterday, I brought you some good news, and unfortunately today, I have to bring you some bad news. I'll try and keep this video short because, well, nobody likes bad news. But the California state legislature has passed ab-28. What is ab-28? Well, I think it's an answer to the fact that pretty much all of their gun control is getting rolled back by federal judges. So they have an answer for that, and what's that answer? Make everything completely unaffordable for the people of California. So let's talk about ab-28 and what just happened.
This channel is proud to be sponsored by the USCCA. If you carry for your own protection, you need a USCCA membership. With your membership, you get that self-defense liability, which is absolutely priceless. So if you are interested, check out the link in the description box. Let's get to it.
Okay, so let's go and talk about what's going on here. Like I said before, we'll try and keep this short. So what ab-28 does is it adds an extra 11% tax to vendors and FFLs for all transactions that involve firearms, ammunition, and what California calls precursor parts. So all of those are going to be taxed at an extra 11%, and that is going to be on top of the existing taxes that you already see. So all your federal, local, and state taxes, that is going to be an extra 11% on top of that.
Now, like you know, when you go into a shop, any tax that is incurred by the business is basically absorbed by the consumer, right? So you'll see it on your receipt that there was an 8% or 9% sales tax that was added to your transaction. That's exactly what's going to happen here because, again, there's no way that the company is going to be able to absorb that extra 11%. So let's say that your current sales tax is 9%, right? In LA County, and different counties, it gets pretty high. But let's just say 9%. Now you're going to add an extra 11% to that. That means that when you go into an FFL or to a vendor for any one of those transactions, you're going to be looking at a 20% sales tax. That's $2 for every $10. So that's $20 for every $100, 20% tax. And in some cases, it might even be higher depending on what county and how many taxes and fees are assessed by them. But it could potentially be higher than that.
Now it's very obvious from the bill itself that California knows that this is going to be challenged the moment that the governor signs it. So the moment that pen meets paper, there's going to be a lawsuit that's going to be challenging this. So what they did is in ab-28, they actually wrote out the historical analogs that they used. You know, post-Brune, they wrote out the historical analogs that they used when creating this tax. As a matter of fact, they're using hunter resource taxes and fees, like right when you go get your permit, it goes to conservation efforts and things like that. They're using that as a historical analog to say that they're able to do this for public safety. So again, they've put historical analogs in there to try and help them fight back the challenges that they know are coming. So again, they know what they're doing is wrong, and that's just evidence of it, right? More evidence showing that they know what they're doing is unconstitutional but they're just trying to prove it by looking at these kind of loosely based historical analogs to try and uphold their law.
California doesn't care; they know that things are going
to get rolled back, and so they're just going to make it more and more pricey
and basically price people out. And who does this affect most? It affects the
people who are low income, the people who probably need these tools the most
anyway. So again, that's what's happening. Like I said, we'll try and keep this
short, but get prepared because starting on the 1st of July 2024, if the
governor signs this, the 1st of July 2024 is when this new tax would hit. So
that's where you're going to see things start to skyrocket. I want to let you
know about that. I want to thank you all very much for watching. I really do
appreciate it. Please like, subscribe, and you guys have a great day.
California has banned open carry for a long time. A challenge to that ban was filed which is Baird v Bonta. This case just scored a major victory at the 9th circuit.
-- USCCA - Social Media INSTAGRAM - Check out my Merch, Shirts, Mugs and More! NOTICE: I am "NOT" a lawyer, and this should not be considered legal advice. These are my opinions. (DISCLAIMER: This post may contain paid advertisements or affiliate links. What is an affiliate link? It means that if you click on one of the product links, Copper Jacket TV will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps support the channel and allows awesome future content. Thank you for the support!DO NOT try anything you see in this video at home. All work should be performed by a trained professional. Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK.. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately.
Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV. So it is exciting to finally be able to bring you some good news out of the state of California. We just had a major victory, and this is going to lead to some big changes that I don't think the California politicians are going to like very much.
California has banned open carry for quite a while now, and even when it was legal, it was so modified that it was just completely ineffective anyway. It had to be unloaded and separate from, it was just a big old pain. So there was a lawsuit that was filed. This lawsuit's been around for quite a while now, and it's challenging California's ban on open carry. Well, guess what? It looks like California is going to be getting open carry very, very soon. So let's talk about what just happened in the Ninth Circuit.
Hey, real quick, I just want to mention that more than half the people that watch these videos are not actually subscribed. If you like Second Amendment content, you want to know what's going on around you, hit that little subscribe button. It's free, but it helps me out quite a bit. And sometimes people aren't seeing the videos they want to see in their thread, so make sure you hit that little alarm bell. That'll let you know when new content comes out. I put Second Amendment content out pretty much daily. So again, make sure you subscribe, a like would be appreciated, and hit that little bell notification. Let's get to it.
Okay, so let's go and talk about what's going on here. This is extremely exciting. I know that not everybody's a huge fan of open carry, but in places like California where everything is limited, you've got to take whatever action you can to defend yourself. So in California, there's a case called Baird v. Banta, I believe it's pronounced "Baird" (b-a-i-r-d). Now, this case has been going around for a while now. They've been trying to get an injunction stopping enforcement of California's ban on open carry because they say that it's conduct that's protected by the Second Amendment and California is not allowed to ban it.
Obviously, they go for an injunction at the district court level. Now, just recently, the district court judge decided to deny their injunction, but in denying their injunction, he used the two-step approach, the interest-balancing approach that the Supreme Court in Bruin said you're not allowed to use anymore. So the plaintiffs decided that, well, they're going to appeal that denial for an injunction up to the Ninth Circuit, which has not been super friendly to the Second Amendment, and you just kind of never know what's going to happen once you get there.
Well, it turns out that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals absolutely smacked down the district court's order, actually calling it an abuse of discretion. So the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals basically told the district court that not only did you get it wrong, but you got it so wrong that it was blatantly abusive. I mean, I've never heard language like this from the Ninth Circuit before, and I want to read you guys some of it now, and that'll lead us into how we're getting open carry in California.
So let me just read you something real quick. Now, try and keep in mind that this is language from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to the district court. You don't usually hear language like this from the Ninth Circuit. But it says here, "To The District Court, the panel reversed the District Court's denial of appellants' motion for a preliminary injunction seeking to enjoin enforcement of California Penal Code sections that impose criminal penalties for the unlicensed open carry of a handgun and remanded with instructions. The panel held that the district court abused its discretion by applying an incorrect legal standard to deny appellant's motion for a preliminary injunction. Instead of analyzing the first factor set forth in Winter v. Nat, whether appellants are likely to succeed on the merits of their claim, the district court erroneously determined that because the public interest and balance of harms disfavored the issuance of a preliminary injunction, it was not necessary to assess appellant's likelihood of success on the merits. Analysis of this first Winter factor is centrally important where a plaintiff alleges a violation of a constitutional right, including the individual's right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home under the Second Amendment. Pursuant to the NY Safe Act v. Bruin, a government may regulate the manner of that carry only if it demonstrates that the regulation is identical or closely analogous to a firearm regulation broadly in effect when the Second or 14th Amendment was ratified. The panel set forth three requirements to guide The District Court's preliminary injunction analysis on remand. The District Court's analysis of the first Winter factor must include consideration of whether the conduct that California's General open carry ban regulates is covered by the text of the Second Amendment. If it is, California bears the burden to identify a well-established and representative historical analog to its open carry ban that was enforced when the Second or 14th Amendment was ratified. Noting that it has been more than four years since the appellant's first moved for a preliminary injunction and more than 14 months since Bruin was decided, the panel directed The District Court to complete its preliminary injunction review expeditiously. If the district court determines that appellants showed that they are likely to succeed on the merits of their claim, the district court must account for the impact that determination has on the remaining winter factors when it analyzes each of them. This means recognizing that in this case involving a constitutional claim, a likelihood of success on the merits usually establishes irreparable harm and strongly tips the balance of equities and public interest in favor of granting the preliminary injunction. So we'll just skip to the bottom here where it says conclusion. We reverse the denial of a preliminary injunction if it results from an abuse of discretion, which is exactly what the court says happened here. Hereby declining to assess appellant's likelihood of success on the merits of their Second Amendment claim, the district court abused its discretion by failing to apply proper preliminary injunction standard for a case raising a constitutional challenge. We, therefore, reverse and remand, recognizing that the preliminary injunction proceedings in this case have been ongoing for more than four years. We instruct the district court to complete and re-complete its re-evaluation of the requested preliminary injunction and issue a decision expeditiously. Reversed and remanded."
So basically, what the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said to the district court is if you're looking at a preliminary injunction, you have to first determine whether or not the plaintiffs have a likelihood of winning on the merits. But the district court did not do that. What did they do? They looked at an interest balancing approach, that two-step approach, and decided that it would be more harmful if they granted the injunction than if they denied the injunction. And so they didn't even go on to the next step, which is to look at whether or not this case has a good chance of winning on the merits. And so they denied the injunction before they even got to that point. The Ninth Circuit said you can't do that, and you can't use the two-step approach. So you have to look at whether or not the conduct is protected by the Second Amendment. And then it's on the government's back to determine whether or not there is some type of historical analog that they can use to justify the laws as it stands today.
So what they do is they reverse the district court's order, saying that that order no longer exists anymore. So the denial of the injunction is gone, and we want you to take another look at this case using these three steps that we're going to give you right here. And we want you to basically take a look at it again because you got it wrong, you did it wrong, it's a do-over.
Now, what does that mean for you and what does that mean for California? Well, that means that we're looking at the best chance that we have ever seen to see an injunction against California's ban on open carry. So the district court's going to have to look at this again. The Ninth Circuit basically told the district court that, "Hey, you got it wrong by denying the injunction, and so the correct thing to do then would be to grant the injunction. And since we already know that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has looked at this in light of Bruin and in light of its impacts on the Second Amendment, even if this goes back up to the Ninth Circuit on appeal, we kind of have some insight now as to how the Ninth Circuit would rule on that appeal. So more than likely, we are going to see an injunction granted and probably upheld. That is going to basically stop enforcement of this open carry ban in California, meaning that open carry could be coming back very, very soon. And that is extremely exciting because that's probably some of the best news that we've heard in a long time, regardless of how you feel about that particular method or not. That's still a massive win, that's still huge. And again, it's showing us that in a post-Bruin world, we're seeing more Second Amendment cases be looked at in a different light by the Ninth Circuit. Again, the Ninth Circuit always used interest balancing in the past, they never sided with us, they always sided with the state. But now, this is two times in a row, one with Y and now with this, that we've seen them side with the Second Amendment again using that Bruin standard.
So this is very exciting. I'm going to follow this case as closely as possible and see what's going to happen here. But again, remember that the Ninth Circuit told the district court, "Look, this has been going on for too long. We need something done expeditiously here. We need something done very, very quickly because the plaintiffs have already been waiting for too long. We're talking about 14 months since Bruin, we're talking about four years since the injunction was asked for. So we're looking at over five years now that the plaintiffs have been looking for relief and haven't gotten it. So the district court needs to act fast on this. That means that we're going to be seeing something very soon. And again, if the order isn't what we like, it can still go back up to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals where, again, they've shown that we have a good chance of at least stopping that law from being enforced at the time being, but more than likely having it overturned completely in the end.
So I wanted to share that with you. I thought it was huge news out of the state of California and finally some good news. So this is great. So we'll follow this case very closely. I'll bring you guys any updates as they happen. And I want to thank you all very much for watching. Please like, subscribe if you haven't already. And you guys have a great day.
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DO NOT try anything you see in this video at home. All work should be performed by a trained professional. Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK.. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately.
Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper
Jacket TV. So if you're one of those very few people out there who actually
believe that Gavin Newsom's 28th amendment was all about Public Safety, get
ready to have your entire world turned upside down because he just admitted and
revealed what he is really going for with his 28th Amendment. And believe it or
not, it's even worse than just gun control. This is something that you guys
have to see, so let's go ahead and talk about how his 28th amendment was just
amended to read something completely different. Let's talk about it.
This channel is proud to be sponsored by the USCCA. If
you carry for your own protection, you need a USCCA membership. With your
membership, you get that self-defense liability, which is absolutely priceless.
So if you are interested, check out the link in the description box. Let's get
to it.
Now, if you don't dive deep and you just take a quick
look at the surface of this proposed 28th Amendment, it looks like it's just
basic standard gun control that all these blue states have been trying to push
for so long: raise the minimum age to 21, universal background checks, you
know, ban so-called assault weapons, and things like that. So again, on the
surface, it just looks like your standard gun control. But if you dive a little
bit deeper and you take a look at what they're actually voting on in California
and what they actually want to do, it's actually way worse than that.
So when they originally proposed this whole 28th
Amendment thing and when it was originally voted on in committee before these
amendments were made, they realized that they forgot something. As a matter of
fact, they forgot a couple of things. Well, what did they forget? Well, they
forgot to exclude themselves and law enforcement. So now instead of just having
gun control for the entire country, guess what they want to do? They want to
make sure that this does not apply to politicians and it does not apply to law
enforcement. So let's go and take a look at the new wording here.
So it says here in paragraph B, section four, prohibition
on the, and they struck out private possession and changed it to sale, loan, or
transfer of "assault weapons or other weapons of," and then they
scratched out "war" and they put "War to private
civilians," and then further... So what they've done here is that they
went ahead and they got rid of the whole "okay, we're just banning them
outright" and they changed that to, "well, you can't buy, sell, or transfer
or even loan it to anybody," meaning that the ones that are here now are
going to stay, I guess, and then once the supply dries up, then that's going to
be the end of that. But what we're going to change it to is that that only
applies to private civilians. So anybody who is in law enforcement or any
anybody who is a government official isn't going to fall into that category and
therefore it's not going to apply to them.
So you can see right there, this has absolutely nothing
to do with Public Safety. What this has to do with is who has the power and who
doesn't, who has the control and the ability to maintain that control and who
doesn't. When you have something like that, it's called a police state, and
that's exactly what you already have in the state of California. So they want
to extend that to the rest of the country where all of the power is
consolidated within government and law enforcement, and the people are basically
left with their hands empty. So as you can see again, this has nothing to do
with Public Safety and everything to do about who has the control.
Now, it's bad enough that that's pretty much already how
life is in the state of California. That's what people are living under, and in
the state of California, there's a lot of really good people there, people that
believe in Freedom, people that believe in the rule of law, but also believe in
freedom and liberty and believe in their inalienable rights that existed prior
to the Constitution. There's a lot of people like that there, I think more than
most people even expect. And so it's sad that they're already living under
that, and hopefully they can change that with all these lawsuits that are going
on. But the fact that he would like to take this to conference and have this be
what the entire country is held under is something that is also very eye-opening.
For somebody who might be considering running, that's
something to pay attention to. It really is because this is what they want to
bring again to everybody out there. Now there's another thing that they changed
here as well. So there was one Democrat that did not vote for this when it was
in Committee in California because he was afraid that if they opened up a
constitutional conference and other states were allowed to bring issues that
were important to them as well in that conference, that there might be somebody
who submits something that overturns everything that California has done in
this realm right. So there could be other states who bring other things up.
So what California has decided to do is they've decided
to submit that if any other state brings anything else up in this
constitutional conference that they're trying to bring together, with
three-quarters of the state legislatures voting to have this added, if any
other state brings anything else up, then they're going to withdraw this 28th
Amendment and they're going to basically back out of the entire thing. So
again, they are so afraid that somebody else might make some type of change to
the Constitution that might not be what their agenda is all about, then they're
just going to back out of the entire thing altogether.
So they made some changes to this, they made some
amendments, they added some different things, and it's still something they're
trying to push forward. Now I've mentioned in multiple videos in the past, this
has a snowball's chance of actually passing. There's a lot of States out there
that I do think would actually join up with this, but given the fact that we
have constitutional carry and things like that in more than half of this
country, so more than half of the states recognize our constitutional rights,
at least at a basic level, there's no way that they're going to get two-thirds
majority of vote on something like this, just it's not going to happen.
But the fact that this is what they're pushing for and
maybe heading to Washington, that's something that needs to be addressed and
something that I think that everybody needs to know about. So that's why we're
still talking about it and that's why I'm still letting you guys know about any
changes that are made because it kind of lets you know what their overall goal
is here. We need to know what that goal is. Anytime you can kind of pick the
brain of somebody who is thinking about doing something that maybe you're not
going to like or goes against our constitutional rights, everybody needs to
know about it. And so if they make any more changes, I'm going to talk about it
again because again, these are just things that are good for everybody to know.
It's just information, that's all this is. And you know, you could take this
information for what it's worth, but I think just based on the language and the
wording, the amendments that have been made here, you guys can see exactly
what's going on. So I want to let you know about that. I want to thank you all
very much for watching. I really do appreciate it. Please like, subscribe, you
guys have a great day.
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DO NOT try anything you see in this video at home. All work should be performed by a trained professional. Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK.. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately.
Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper
Jacket TV. So, I honestly hate making videos like this, but this is what's
happening, so this is what we've got to talk about. We've got some new laws
that are going to be starting in just about a week, and these new laws are
going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. On September the 13th, if
you live in the state of New York, you're now going to have to do background
checks for ammunition. That's right. And New York is also making some changes
to how they deal with the NICS system. So, let's talk about what's going on.
Now, real quick, I just want to thank you all very much
for watching. If you're not subscribed yet, consider hitting that subscribe
button. We have Second Amendment content on a daily basis, news, and reviews,
and I've got a lot of great stuff coming up. If you are not seeing my videos
all the time, hit that little bell notification and leave a comment, let me
know what's going on. With that being said, let's go ahead and get to the
Okay, so let's go and start off and just talk real quick
about some of the changes that are happening to the NICS system in New York.
So, the way that it used to work was the person that was doing the transfer
would contact the FBI. The FBI would do a background check, run it through the
NICS system, and then give that information back to the person doing the
transfer. Well, New York wanted to add an extra layer to that. So now, what's
going to happen in New York is they're going to take that information, they're
going to transfer it over to a department of the police. They're going to take
all that information about that particular transfer, and then they're going to
forward that on to the FBI, who's going to do the same NICS background check.
And instead of it going back to the person who's doing the transfer, it's going
to go back to the police. The police will then give the information on whether
it's approved or denied back to the person who's doing the transfer. So what
they've done is they've added an extra layer in between, where now they can run
state checks as well as federal checks on that particular person. So, again,
there is now an extra layer in New York between the FBI and the transfer, so
there's a lot more going on now in New York, and they're going to be checking
on a lot more through these background checks.
Okay, so now let's go and talk about what you guys
actually clicked on the video for, which is the ammunition background checks
that are going to be starting in New York on September the 13th. So this is
very similar to what they're doing in California, and in California, it really
caused a lot of problems. I mean, it started off bad and just continued to get
worse. There were a lot of false positives. There were a lot of people that
were getting denied even though they had absolutely no reason to be denied.
We're talking about active-duty law enforcement and military, and people that
you wouldn't think would get denials were sent walking with nothing in hand. I
mean, it was really bad. So there's a lot of lawsuits going on in California
right now that are challenging that, and I think that eventually that'll be
overturned just because of all the problems that it's caused. And again, New
York is doing something very similar here.
So just like when you would walk into a shop to get
something that's serialized, if you walk in there and you're looking for
ammunition, you're going to have to go through a background check. That
background check is going to have a $2.50 fee that's going to be associated
with that, and you're going to have to conduct it just like you would anything
else. You're going to have to provide your ID, you're going to have to provide
all of your information, all of your identifying information, everything like
that. And then they're going to have to run that check. So you're not going to
be able to just leave immediately. You're going to have to wait for that check
to come back, and if that check comes back and it says that it's denied, then
you're going to have to leave empty-handed. And I think that you're going to be
seeing just like in California, a lot of false positives in New York as well
because again, with that two-layered system, the way that they're going to be
doing it is it's going to go through the state police, and so they're going to
be cross-referencing records and things like that in order to verify who you
are. And in a lot of cases, there are people who have the same name as somebody
else, and that can cause a problem.
So, as you can see, in just over a week, you're going to
see a lot of people having a hard time in the state of New York because they're
not going to have what they need. And so, this is going to be a very difficult
thing for a lot of people, and I haven't seen anything quite yet or heard
anything from anybody, but I assume there's going to be lawsuits that are going
to be challenging this one as well. They're just absolutely has to be because
again, it's protected by the Second Amendment, this is something that's never
existed before, and it's going to cause a lot of problems. But again, these are
new laws that kind of stem from 2022, I believe it's kind of all started in
2022. So back in 2022, Hochul announced that people are going to have to
provide their information and details about the transaction when they were to
go into a shop. So the way that it was running up until the 13th is you go in,
you still have to give them your information, your identifying information,
they put everything about the transaction on a piece of paper - what it was,
how much it was, what type it was, all that stuff. All your information is
going to go on there, and then the dealer was just basically supposed to keep
that record on hand. Well, that was back then, and now it's expanded to wanting
to do the complete background check.
So, like I always say, you start off with a little bit,
and then that slippery slope just continues to go downhill. So just based on
somebody who used to live in California for 42 years, I can tell you this is
not going to go off without a hitch, and it's going to cause a lot of problems
for a lot of people. And hopefully, you know, we're able to file a lawsuit.
Hopefully, somebody files a lawsuit, maybe the FPC or the GOA or somebody, and
they're able to get an injunction to stop this because I can only predict that
it's not going to go well. That's the way that I see it, but I wanted to make
you guys aware of that. If you're somebody who lives in New York and you see
this timeline counting down here to the 13th, you know that's the time that you
have until you're going to have to pay a $2.50 fee and go through all sorts of
headaches, and you're going to have to wait until it comes back. So again, it's
more or less like a heads-up to everybody out there that this is what's going
on, and I wanted to make you aware of it.
So anyway, I want to thank you all very much for watching. I really do appreciate it. If there's a lawsuit that's filed against this, I will let you guys know as soon as possible, and hopefully, we can get it overturned. Thanks again for watching, have a great day.
California is facing numerous lawsuits attempting to overturn the states gun control laws. One of which is Nguyen v Bonta. This lawsuit challenges the 1 in 30 day purchase restrictions. There is finally significant movement in this case and we have some important dates.
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Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV. So today, I have a huge update in the Second Amendment case in the state of California. You know, there are so many cases right now in California that are challenging these unconstitutional laws that sometimes we forget about some, even the big ones. And this is one that hasn't been talked about for quite a while, but it's a big problem in the state of California, and that is the one in 30 law.
There's a lot of people who don't live in the state of
California, who probably don't even know about this, but in California, if you
want to get yourself a semi-automatic firearm, you can only get one every 30
days. That's clearly unconstitutional. Basically, if you get one on the first,
you have to wait 31 days before you can get something else. So there's this
30-day moratorium where you're just basically left without your rights.
Well, there was a lawsuit that was filed pretty much the
second that this law took effect, which is back in July of 2021, and we finally
have movement in that case. And I think that we're going to be seeing a big
win, and we have some major dates to talk about as well. So, this is the case
of Nguyen v. Banta, again, a major Second Amendment case, and we're going to be
talking about what those dates are, what they mean, and what we can expect out
of this because those dates are coming up really soon. So let's talk about it.
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Okay, so let's go and talk about Nguyen v. Banta, again
challenging California's unconstitutional one in 30 law. Now, here's the thing,
this case, if you take a look at the timeline on this thing, it's been nothing
but delay after delay and requests for extension after extension after
extension, and not much has really happened until January of 2023 where the
current judge who's overseeing this case, Judge William Hayes, denied a motion
by the plaintiffs for a summary judgment.
Now, the FPC is also involved in this one as well. They
were looking for a summary judgment on this because it's clearly
unconstitutional. Now, remember, all of this started before Bruin, so Bruin has
happened while this case has already existed. And so, in January 1st, 2023, the
judge in this case said no. He denied the motion for a summary judgment. He
wasn't going to rule on it. Summary judgment basically says that before we even
make it to trial, the judge can see that it's unconstitutional and he's going
to call it out for what it is, overturn it as unconstitutional. And again, that
judge decided that he was not going to do that.
So he denied that back in January of 2023. And since
then, again, since we're still trying to get an injunction, we're still trying
to get this overturned, it's been nothing but delay, delay, delay, the entire
year so far of 2023. But we finally, after all this time, have some dates to
talk about, and these dates are coming up fairly soon. So let's go over those
dates real quick because they're going to have significant importance whether
or not we're going to see some relief in this unconstitutional law.
Okay, so here's a look at some important dates, and these
were just filed, I believe, on the 28th or 29th of August. So these are
up-to-date dates, deadlines for pre-trial motions coming up in less than two
weeks on September 15th, oppositions October 13th, and then replies to that
October 27th. After that is going to be the oral arguments. Now, in oral
arguments, we could see a lot happen after that. Obviously, after oral
arguments, the judge could decide that he's going to provide injunctive relief
or something else that would basically put a stop to California's enforcement
of the one in 30-day rule. But that time is set by the judge himself. So it
says here, oral arguments will be set by the court at a later date, more than
likely, we're going to see that later date be before 2024.
So oral arguments are going to be huge in this one. And
obviously, in a post-Bruin world, we could definitely see a win on our side in
this fairly soon, whether it comes towards the end of this year or maybe even
early next year. We could actually see some relief in this case depending on
which side the judge leans on. But he's going to have to look at things through
the light of Bruin. And I can tell you right now, if we take a look back in
history, I can't think of absolutely anything, and I've done research for years
now, looking for stuff. I can't find anything that shows that people were
basically withheld their constitutional rights for any period of time, whether
it be two days, five days, or in California's case, 30 days. That is an
extensive amount of time, and California is going to have to validate that.
That's the biggest thing during these oral arguments.
California is going to have to try and validate that
through history, through text, history, and tradition. California is going to
have to say, "Look, here is an analogous law, something that's comparable
to the law that we have today that says that this law should stand." And
there's nothing that they have that they're going to be able to find. There is
no way to validate California's law that withholds people's constitutional
rights for a one-month period for pretty much no reason at all. Obviously,
California likes to use public safety, and I'm sure they would like to use the
two-step approach on this one, which would balance public safety and government
interest against your rights. But with the new Bruin decision being out, they
can't do that anymore. So obviously, that's going to go right out the window,
and they're going to have to find that historical analog that they can lean on.
And it doesn't exist.
So, I mean, with just looking at the bare facts on this
one, this case looks like a pretty much slam dunk for us and for the people of
California and any other state that thinks they would like to try something
similar. So again, that's one of the worst to me, right? You go out, you get
something, you spend your hard-earned money, and then you decide, "Oh, you
know, the newest latest and greatest thing came out, and I want to get that
too." You can't. You just can't under California law. You can't do it. Now,
that's not affected by private party transfers, and there's a couple of things.
If you have a CNR license and stuff like that, there's ways to get around that.
But for the general average public, that's it. You get your one, and now
you're... You can't do anything else for 30 days.
It's not talked about enough, but it's one of the worst
laws in the state of California. It's one of the worst things that's happened
in that state, and I think it needs to have more attention and more light
spotlighted on it so that people are focusing more, and maybe there's a little
bit of public pressure, and anything will help, obviously, right? And joining
these different groups that are spending their time, like the FPC in court
where it costs a fortune to take these lawsuits up and try and fight for your
So, if you're not a member, consider becoming a member of
your favorite group that's out there. You know, that's the kind of how they run
on things. They run off of our goodwill, and so we need to give that to them so
that they can help overturn these unconstitutional laws. But FPC is involved in
this one, and FPC has been scoring some pretty major victories lately, and I
think that this is going to be another one. So, I'm excited to see the outcome.
But again, we're going to be seeing a lot of movement here soon. I mean, we're
talking less than two weeks before the first date, and then by the time October
rolls around, we're going to be seeing some more information come out. We're
going to see what California's arguments are, and then we'll see what date the
judge sets for oral arguments.
And then those oral arguments are typically something that you can listen to live, and I will try and bring those to you live as well so we can get this whole one in 30-day thing behind us and overturned. But I wanted to let you guys know about that because again, it just hasn't been talked about enough at all since everything's been taking place. So, I just want to thank you all very much for watching. I really do appreciate it. I'm glad to be back, and I want to thank everybody for all the well wishes and prayers again while I was out sick and in the hospital. Thank you guys all very much. If you're not a subscriber yet, consider doing that. I make Second Amendment content every single day. I do news and reviews. So, thank you all very much for watching. Take care.
DO NOT try anything you see in this video at home. All work should be performed by a trained professional. Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK.. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately.
Everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV. So, it's because of that guy and other so-called Republicans like him that we now have the ATF dropping another brand new rule. The ATF had recently published an advanced proposal for a rule, and now they have published the proposal for the rule and are allowing comments on it. So today, we're going to be talking about what it is, how the bipartisan Safer Communities Act is involved in this, and what exactly is going on. Because, according to this new rule, it turns out that law-abiding citizens overnight could become felons. Let's talk about it.
This channel is proud to be sponsored by the USCCA. If you carry for your own protection, you need a USCCA membership. With your membership, you get that self-defense liability, which is absolutely priceless. So, if you are interested, check out the link in the description box. Let's get to it.
Okay, so let's go and talk about what's going on here. Not that long ago, Congress passed the so-called bipartisan Safer for Communities Act. They all touted it as something good that wouldn't infringe on anybody's Second Amendment rights. It was completely benign. Its key provisions are hugely popular with the American people. It contains zero new restrictions, zero new waiting periods, zero mandates, and zero bans of any kind for law-abiding gun owners. But in reality, what it did is it opened the door for even more gun control.
These are people who are supposed to understand how bills are written and how words have meaning and meaning has an effect, right? But they either didn't care that this was going to happen, they knew it was going to happen but didn't care, or they were just ignorant. One of the things that the bipartisan Safer Communities Act did is it changed the definition of who is considered a firearms dealer. Now, the problem there is that a lot of us buy, sell, trade firearms. Maybe to get something else that we want or maybe just because we have a big collection and getting a little bit short on funds. If you do that now and you're not keeping paperwork and you're not registering as a dealer, you're going to be in some serious trouble. We're talking about massive financial problems, $250,000 fines, and more.
A lot of people are asking, "What's going on here? What exactly is considered a dealer under the new definition?" Now, they're saying that this all falls under the GCA. The GCA has basically said that dealers are somebody who basically make a profit and derive their livelihood from these transactions. And now, they've changed it to anybody who basically is getting a profit from these transactions. The way that they have it defined is so vast, it's so wide open, and so open to interpretation that pretty much anybody who transfers anything, even back to an FFL, could be considered a dealer.
Let me just point out some of the examples that they give in the ATF's own proposed rule itself. So, let me just go ahead and put this up on the screen. I believe this is going to be number four on their list here. So, if you do any of these, then you are somebody who is violating the GCA under this new proposed rule where it says repetitively sells or offers to sale firearms within 30 days after they are purchased. Simply getting rid of it after 30 days, you bought it, you hate it, you're going to get rid of it, that's enough to get you on that list as a dealer right there. Anything that's new or even like new in their original packaging. So, if it's newer, like new in its original packaging, that'll do it right there. And then, see that are of the same or similar kind, make, manufacturer, model, caliber, gauge, and action, and type, i.e., the classification of firearm or rifle. Those are just four of the simple ones that I wanted to show you. Now, that's just four of the more easy to understand examples.
There's a lot more going on in that 109-page rule, so there is a lot going on there, a lot to understand. But like I said before, it is also extremely vague. These are the things that I could find that were a little bit more specific. But what you have to understand here is like things like number four in that list right so those are I think it was a b or c maybe it was C but the one that says like or similar items right so let's say that I bought two of something okay two of the same thing maybe it's just because I watched a video game and I thought I could go akimbo with something and I was just trying to be technical whatever it is it's a free country I got it because I wanted to or because they were the last two in the store maybe they weren't going to get any more so I got both of them and then later on down the road I decide you know what that was probably a stupid idea to do that so I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of them just that alone the fact that you have two of the same thing or two of the similar thing within the same classification that alone can make you fall as a dealer and so as you can see this really opens the door to just about anybody getting rid of pretty much anything at any time to anyone including somebody with license so it's just absolutely out of control what they have going on here.
They have a website, I guess that's set up to accept comments, and so you guys can head over there and comment, and there are a list of requirements. I'll put a link directly to the proposed rule down below so you can read it because there's a list of requirements that they have. They have you reference the CFR number, you have to reference what you're talking about, which proposed rule, and stuff like that. And those things have to be in that information that you provide in your response to this proposed rule. So, I'll put that down below; you guys can read that, and it's got the website there as well so that you can leave your comment. But that's exactly what I suggest you do.
These people again in Congress that kept telling us that absolutely nothing's gonna happen and law-abiding citizens aren't going to see any effects from this whatsoever but it's going to keep people safe have lost their minds. They have lost their minds because the exact opposite is happening. It incentivizes states to pass red flag laws; it'll give them money if they do so. They say that within those red flag laws there's due process. States will receive new money for Crisis Intervention programs of their own choosing, and if they choose to use the money for so-called red flag laws, those laws will have to meet a new higher standard. But we know that if you don't even find out about it until after the fact, where's due process in that?
But it incentivizes states to pass something that they don't have quite yet. It's led to new definitions, new ATF rule-making, it's led to changes in the GCA and updates and all sorts of stuff. So everybody who looked you in the eye or everybody who looked in the camera and said that this is not going to have an effect on our constitutional rights at all was lying. That's basically what it comes down to because as you can see right here it's already within a year having a major effect. And another thing that's going to happen here is that this is going to lead to a registry, and I'll tell you why because everybody that has to do something, let's say if you want to get rid of a couple things and maybe it makes you fall under this particular category, you're going to have to get a license. You're going to have to keep all the record-keeping, all the bookkeeping; you're going to have to put down all the serial numbers, all the relevant information and data that pertains to that particular transfer.
So guess what? There's going to be more record-keeping, there's going to be more names, more numbers, and more things that are going to be searchable pretty much anytime. So, while it's just a small definition change that's being made here to who is considered what, it has massive implications, and I wanted to let you guys know about that. So check out the rule, check out that link, check out the rule for yourself, read it for yourself, find the examples, and then go leave a comment and let them know what you think about it. Now just FYI, if you go off the rails in your comment, they're just going to trash it. So if you go off the rails and you just let them know what you really think, which is what we all really want to do, they're not going to disregard your comment altogether. Try and keep it civil to the point and let them know where you land on this, you know, but make sure that it's something that they're going to hang on to, that they can publish, that they can read. Anyway, I want to thank you all very much for watching. I really do appreciate it. Please like, subscribe, and you guys have a great day.
DO NOT try anything you see in this video at home. All work should be performed by a trained professional. Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK.. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately.
Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV. So we have a new development coming out of the state of California, and California is at it yet again, trying to impose their own version of gun control on the entire country. Even this reporter can see what's going on. These are laws that are already in place in California, but the idea is to make them nationwide. Yeah, even she knows what's going on.
So today, we're going to be talking about what just happened with the 28th Amendment and what this actually means. It's not that this is going to pass; it has a snowball's chance of actually making it through. So what's the backstory? Well, there's something going on behind the scenes here that I think is leading to something even bigger. Let's talk about what's going on.
Hey, real quick, I just want to mention that more than half the people that watch these videos are not actually subscribed. If you like Second Amendment content and you want to know what's going on around you, hit that little subscribe button. It's free, but it helps me out quite a bit. And sometimes people aren't seeing the videos they want to see in their thread, so make sure you hit that little alarm bell. That'll let you know when new content comes out. I put out Second Amendment content pretty much daily, so again, make sure you subscribe. A like would be appreciated, and hit that little bell notification. Let's get to it.
The majority of the residents of our country, of Americans, of all of our brothers and sisters across this nation, want the kind of common-sense protections that are built into this resolution. Okay, so let's go and talk about what's going on here. And I want to make this very clear. I don't think this has anything to do with an actual 28th Amendment at all. I think you guys have probably heard about the 28th Amendment by now, which was proposed by Governor Gavin Newsom, which would essentially add gun control to the Constitution, making gun control part of our entire country. So that's what he's trying to do.
Now, what I think is actually happening here is that I think he's using this to sort of build and prop up his platform if he decides to run for president. So he wants to be able to say, "Look what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make things better for the country, even from my own home state. I was trying to make things better for the country by adding gun control to the Constitution." I think that's what's going on here, and it's just simply a talking point and something that he can stand on to say, "Hey, look what I did in my state, and look what I'm trying to do for the rest of the country."
Nonetheless, there was a committee meeting just yesterday where they got together for a vote on the 28th Amendment and whether or not to advance it to a constitutional convention. Now, what's interesting here is what these people had to say, and let me tell you, it is an absolute supermajority in the state of California. As a matter of fact, on this committee, I believe there's seven people. There is only one Republican. If you think that she actually has a chance of changing anybody's mind, well, think again. It's just absolutely not going to happen. It's just simply an echo chamber in most state buildings in California. That's it. That's it. Everybody's just kind of whispering the same thing back and forth to each other without the fear of any type of opposition, and that was the case here.
There was one Democrat who decided not to vote for it because he was worried about this, "We note the same extremists that have completely rewritten the Second Amendment also would like to rewrite reproductive health access, LGBTQ rights. They want to get rid of the separation of church and state. They want to undermine voting rights." And so, for these reasons, I won't be able to support this today. And if you just want a quick glimpse into the mind of California politicians, just watch this little small clip. That'll pretty much explain everything to you.
"The majority of the residents of our country, of Americans, of all of our brothers and sisters across this nation, want the kind of common-sense protections that are built into this resolution."
Now, I don't see anything wrong with these people. They seem like completely rational, well-rounded, educated people to me, and people that look like they have our best interests at heart. So you really should listen to them. They know what they're talking about.
In some cases, I've got to be honest, I don't even blame California politicians for thinking that these things are actually true or thinking that these things are what their constituents want to hear because a lot of their constituents actually do want to hear this stuff. And the fact that they just keep getting voted into office every single year just sort of solidifies the frame of mind of thinking, "Hey, if I take away the rights of the people that live in this country, then I'm doing them a favor by making them safer," as if freedom and safety are supposed to go hand in hand. As a matter of fact, freedom and safety are their kind of complete opposites, but they don't see it that way. They want to force safety upon you by any means necessary, even if that means removing your freedom altogether. That's just the way that California works.
But nonetheless, it doesn't really have a chance of going through. What they're trying to do is they're trying to puff out their chest, they're trying to make themselves seem important. "Look at these big, bold things that we're trying to do in the state of California," while really just creating, again, a platform for somebody to run on. And I think that's what we have going on here because, in reality, you need two-thirds of the state legislatures to do the same thing to be able to pass this through. As of right now, I don't see that happening, given the fact that over half of the country, as it stands right now, observes constitutional carry. And so I highly doubt that those states are going to be jumping on board with this. Now, I can't say in the next 10, 15, or even 20 years that there might be some type of cultural shift that will change things, but as of right now, we know that that's not going to happen.
So they can continue to puff out their chest and say what they want, but our Constitution protects us from the government. It is not the other way around. If you look at the Constitution, it is rules for government. It is not rules for us. There are no rules in the Constitution for the people. That's not the way that our Bill of Rights works. That's not the way the Constitution works. It tells the government what they are not allowed to do, and one of those things is infringe on our rights. And so it is really interesting to see the perversion of history and freedom and the way that our Founders intended to have this country run be just completely twisted in one state because people keep voting these people in there. And that just gives them a little bit more sense that what they're doing is somehow considered right, and they will walk all over the Constitution just to make that happen. So, again, you can kind of see in the minds of these people what they think they're actually doing and what they think that they would actually accomplish by this. And their constituents, the ones that actually support them, absolutely lap it up.
So again, that passed committee. It's more than likely going to pass the state houses, and we're going to see that go through completely in the state of California. Where it goes after that, I don't know. There are some other states out there that I would say would probably go along with it. I think that New York and Illinois, possibly New Jersey, maybe even Washington, places like that, might go along with something like this. But getting close to that two-thirds majority, I think is where you're going to find the near impossibility.
So again, they voted to pass it through even though it's unconstitutional to create a constitutional amendment like that. They're going to do it anyway and try to impose their will on absolutely everybody while simultaneously creating a platform for their leader. So I wanted to let you guys know about that, and I want to thank you all very much for watching. I really do appreciate it. Please like, subscribe, and have a great day.
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Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV. So today, I've got an update for you on one of the most anticipated cases we've seen across this country - a case challenging California's so-called assault weapons ban, which is Miller v. Banta or Miller v. Becerra. This case, which has been pretty much dormant since March 15th, 2023, finally has some movement, and I think we're going to be seeing some pretty good things out of this, and I believe that the order is going to come down very soon. So, let's talk about what happened.
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Okay, so let's go and talk about what's going on here. This case originally started as Miller v. Becerra and was filed back in 2019. So, we've been waiting a long time to get some type of relief out of this case. There are other cases out there in California, which are just as important, that have been waiting since 2016, 2015. I mean, these things take forever, and I think a lot of our patience is kind of running out. We want to know what's going on.
Now, you talk about Duncan, you talk about Miller - these are cases in which Judge Benitez has already weighed in on. So they're just kind of back at him now, and we're all wondering why it's taking from March till now before we actually hear anything in this case. I've discussed that in videos in the past where I think he is wording this absolutely perfectly so that when it does probably go up to the Ninth Circuit on appeal, it's going to be pretty much bulletproof. I think that's what's taking so long. I think that's what he's doing here, but again, that's just my best guess.
So again, it's been a while since we've seen any movement. Now all of a sudden, we have these documents that have been entered on the 22nd of August and on the 25th of August. Now, on the 25th of August, Benitez has entered an order which absolutely smacked down Gifford. Now, like I said before, I believe Benitez made up his mind quite a while ago, but it's this order right here which really solidifies it for me and makes me think that we are going to see a win very soon in the state of California, and it's going to be massive.
So it says here, "Proposed Amicus Curiae Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has moved for reconsideration of the August 3rd, 2020, order denying its motion for leave to file an amicus curiae brief. Courts have broad discretion to consider amicus briefs and appoint amicus curiae. The existing parties are well equipped to present arguments and expertise; therefore, the Court denies this motion." Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "Big deal, so Benitez didn't let the Giffords Law Center jump in on this one." Well, it is kind of a big deal because what he is saying is that both parties have this covered. We don't need any more help. Everything that has been said or will be said has already been presented, and so all of the facts and all of the discovery and all of the evidence is already there. We do not need your help.
Now, obviously, he denied this back in 2020, so Giffords basically wanted to jump on the side of California and kind of help California keep this ban in place. And back then, Benitez said, "Nope, we don't need you." So they come back again and they want to say, "Hey, you know, we didn't—you denied us in the past, we want to be added again." So we're going to try and get at it again. He says, "No, we don't need you. Both parties have this covered." Okay, we don't need you, which again leads me to believe that his decision is already made.
So if his decision is already made, he is smacking down Giffords, and he is, you know, basically taking all of this time to prepare his order. It looks like from everything that I'm seeing that we're going to see that order very soon. Now, everybody's wondering, just like with the mags, are we going to see some type of Freedom week when it comes to this particular ban? Now, I've seen different opinions of people saying, "Yes," and people are kind of on the opposite side, saying, "No, it's going to be a stay or appealed pretty much immediately." He might even stay his own order, but I believe that he is not going to stay his own order this time, and I believe that California is going to have to appeal to the Ninth Circuit, and the Ninth Circuit is going to have to take a look at this. And if the Ninth Circuit takes a look at all of the documents and all the preparation that Benitez has done here and they use text, history, and tradition, which is what they did in a case recently out of Hawaii when it came to butterfly knives—they used text, history, and tradition and sided with the Second Amendment on that one—then it is very possible that, at least en banc, the panel for the Ninth Circuit might uphold Benitez's order.
So in the past, when Benitez wrote an order, sometimes he would stay his own order because he knew the Ninth Circuit is just going to use the two-step approach, the balancing approach, and that his order more than likely is just going to be overturned by a court that has an agenda. But now we know that the way that the court has to operate is going to be a little bit different. So I believe, in my own personal opinion, that we are maybe going to see a Freedom week. Obviously, I can't say it for sure, but I have a feeling that we might see something similar to a Freedom week out of this and then possibly even let the injunction stand because that's what Benitez is going to be ordering here. I believe he's going to order an injunction against the state from enforcing the ban, and I believe that the state is going to appeal to the Ninth Circuit, and that three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit en banc is going to look at it, and I have a feeling that they're going to uphold the injunction, which means that people in California would pretty much be free to get what they want. They'd be able to take off any of the restricted items, little pieces that keep things compliant in that state, and that would pretty much be the end of that until it went to a full panel of the Ninth Circuit and then, who knows, possibly up to the Supreme Court. I doubt it would go to the Supreme Court because the Supreme Court has pretty much already said where they stand on this. But nonetheless, it still has one more phase after this, but it's still a very exciting step.
So I think that it is very possible that in the very near future here, Californians could be seeing a little bit of freedom returned to their state. So again, while I'm just thinking about this in broad terms, I personally am excited. You know, I've been doing this now on YouTube for over 10 years, and everything is changing, everything is different. We just saw that California was able to pass and do everything they wanted, and it didn't matter what type of lawsuit you had to go against it; the Ninth Circuit just always threw things over. So it's exciting to see, after all of these years and more than a decade of doing this on YouTube, that we actually have a chance where the Ninth Circuit might have to side with the Second Amendment, which would be fantastic.
So again, we're seeing some documents, we're seeing some movement. We have several entries in both Duncan and Miller now that have been entered in August. And so we're going to be watching these very closely. And if Benitez does his thing, then more than likely we're going to see it kind of late on a Friday; that's typically, to my knowledge, what he's done in the past. So again, we'll stay on top of this one. I'll let you guys know if there are any changes. But again, it's very exciting times in California. I think that the good old Governor there is going to have his head turning a little bit because everything that he worked for for the past 10 years is going to be overturned fairly soon, and that's my prediction. Thank you all very much for watching; I really do appreciate it. Please like, subscribe, and you guys have a great day.
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