
The stagnant California "Roster" has seen some new life recently due to a decision in a case called Boland v. Bonta. This case got the microstamping requirement overturned. Which is what allows for todays news.

Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome back to Copper Jacket TV! Today, I've got some exciting California roster news for you. We're going to be talking about something that is about to be added to the roster—it’s not there quite yet, but it could be any day now. This is a game changer for California; it’s something Californians have been waiting for decades. So, we're going to talk about what it is and why it's so exciting. Stay tuned!

Hey, real quick before we get started—if you believe that rosters are unconstitutional like I do, and you don't believe the government should be able to tell you what you're allowed to have, go ahead and smash that subscribe button! It's free, it only takes a second, but it helps us out here quite a bit. It helps us spread our Second Amendment message, and it lets the powers-that-be know that you guys enjoy watching content like this. I always appreciate the support—thank you! With that being said, let’s get to it.

Okay, so let’s go and talk about what's going on here. Now, just in case you're not aware of what the roster is—simply put, it’s an unconstitutional government-approved list of handguns available to the state of California. To get on that roster, handguns have to have certain features like magazine disconnects and loaded chamber indicators. They also have to go through a series of tests before they can be approved for the roster. Up until recently, they also had to have microstamping. Microstamping basically does not exist, and it certainly doesn’t exist in mass production, so for a long time, nothing new was being added to the roster.

Currently, there’s an injunction barring enforcement of that microstamping provision, which means that as long as they have the other features, pass the tests, go through the steps, and pay the fees, they can now get on the roster. We've seen a lot of new things start to show up on the roster, but the one thing missing has been any later-generation Glock frames. While the rest of the country has moved on to Gen 4 and Gen 5, California has been stuck at Gen 3. This has been a problem because certain cosmetic features in Gen 3 weren’t popular, and people wanted to get away from them. To do that, you had to do a lot of work to make it similar to what the rest of the country could have.

That’s where this new addition comes in to fix that problem, because Shadow Systems is now going to be on the roster! We’re talking about three new models of Shadow Systems that are about to be added to the roster, and they’re built on Gen 4 frames. This is exciting for me because I remember when the microstamping provision went into effect, and we saw everything fall off the roster. We lost a vast majority of what we could get just a year prior, and it was tough. Going off-roster would eventually catch up with you.

So, seeing something like this being added is fantastic! There are three different models being added: the MR920 (Multi-Role 920), similar to the Glock 19; the DR920 (Duty Role 920), similar to a Glock 17; and the DR920P, which is the compensated version. After testing nearly every Shadow Systems product on this channel over the last seven years, I can say these are well-made, rugged, reliable, durable, and accurate. They come with almost every feature you could ask for if you were getting something custom done. The fluting, the angles of the cuts, and the textures are all there—these models come out of the box as nice as you can get them.

Now, a couple of things to note. If you check the "recently added" section on the roster, you’ll see new items pop up every now and then. Recently, I saw the 365 XL RO pop up, which I think is a cool option, especially for the ladies. New things are being added frequently. However, there’s a new law that’s been passed in California aiming to reimplement microstamping by 2028. If microstamping is added back to the roster, it could cause a freeze or lead to another major drop-off, just like before. So, keep an eye on new laws, even if they don’t seem like they’ll affect you now—they might in the future.

In the meantime, there’s an ongoing lawsuit to overturn the roster completely, which is what I’d like to see. I believe all rosters are unconstitutional. The government shouldn’t have a list of items they allow you to have—it’s our Second Amendment right, not a privilege granted by them. Hopefully, this lawsuit will progress and lead to a positive outcome, possibly reaching the Supreme Court and overturning rosters nationwide.

Anyway, I wanted to share this update. I think it’s a big deal, and I’m looking forward to seeing the reaction of people in California about getting something new like this. Thank you all very much for watching. I really appreciate it. Please like, subscribe, and have a great day!